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Decision-Based Learning integrated software suite
They say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. What if we could cut that in half?
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"It doesn't feel like a new or weird approach. The way that everything goes together makes a lot of sense and I like being able to see the big picture from the beginning. I am feeling really confident about my knowledge of the material."

"It helped me visualize the problem-solving techniques. Before it was all just a jumbled mess, but once I was able to see it all laid out like that, and the different techniques / approaches you could use, it all just made a lot more sense. It made it so that figuring out WHAT equation to use and HOW to use it was so much simpler."

Chemistry Student
"The paradigm shift required me to think more conditionally rather than conceptually. Most things in the world aren't presented this way – but they should."

Statistics Student